
Currently a Data Analyst in Cleveland but moving to NY for a new job (Data Visualization for a large music streaming company). Interests: Indie Music, Gym, Beer tasting, sightseeing, travelling, meme making Would prefer a 2B/2B, but would settle for a 1bath with someone organized. I’ll be super busy on weekdays but open to going out on the weekends and trying new things. Trying to find a roommate I can be friends and learn more about the city with. I consider myself a yes man so I’m always down for new experiences. Also gay so someone LGBT friendly please. Insta: @ctcvalle LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/calebv

Adrian photo.
Mar 1
Alex photo.
Mar 30
Patrick photo.
Crown Heights
May 1
Natalie photo.
Jun 1
Bryana photo.
Jul 1
Lydia photo.
Crown Heights
Jul 15
Joelly photo.
Aug 1
Blake photo.
Sep 1