
Hello beauties!!👋🏽 I’m Olivia, you can call me Liv! Currently searching with the goal of leaving late 2021/early 2022. In a nutshell, I’m a very creative person, a nature enthusiast, ‘n food feen! I currently have a garden with hopes of having my own small indoor one too. I’m an artist so having a larger room space is super vital for me’n all the wonderful materials lol! Cleanliness, respect + communication are EXTREMELY important‼️ I’ve lived with roommates multiple times so I’m very confident in knowing what environment is best productive for me n how I can help create a mutual healthy space for my roommate(s)! —— 🏳️‍🌈**LGBTQUIA FRIENDLY!! + OTHER LGBTQU+ COMMUNITY PREFFERED!** 🏳️‍🌈 —— I luv to go out’n explore as much as I luv being Bumfy under a warm blanket watching DC Animations, reading a book/comic, or doing an hour workout @the gym!