
Hey! My names Ryan, I'm 24 y/o (25 in May). I got a new job in NYC 4 months ago and want to move there by May or June at the latest. I can move in sooner if needed too! Looking for some awesome people to live with. Im real laid back, and can easily adapt to live with other people of many personalities. Im really into music, art, films, sports, old school styles, and a lot more. I think I'm easy to live with, not the type of person to cause problems or drama at all, clean up after myself and keep the place clean, organize my stuff, pay my portion always on time, etc. I love to go out when I can to grab a few drinks and see what the night has to offer, absolutely love seeing concerts (hugeee concert fan), love spinning records and watching movies at night, Weed friendly, and always down to try new stuff out! Especially in NYC as I've only lived in or near Philly before and have only visited NYC. Real big into investing stocks/crypto as well and would love to learn from or help teach anyone some of that so we basically pay our rent solely thru that lol. Have a job Mon-Fri in the Financial district, and would be working from home like 3 days a week. Please please reach out if any of this catches your eye or ya just wanna talk! Thanks :) - Ry

Dez photo.
Dec 31
Kevin photo.
Feb 5